Employment Posting

Name of Organization: Amherst Central School District
Job Title: School Social Worker
Part-time or Full-time: Full-time
Job Location: Windermere Boulevard Elementary School
Start Date: Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2025
Job Description: The school social worker shall be responsible for a broad range of services essential to an understanding of the student. The school social worker performs as an integral part of the total student personnel services by serving as a liaison person between home, school and community. As a team member, the school social worker coordinates closely with all school personnel to broaden the school's knowledge and understanding of the home environment. The school social worker consults with community agencies and other professionals interested in children and facilitates the making of referrals and consequent exchange of information and recommendation.
Required Qualifications: Must be NYS certified as a School Social Worker. Must be fingerprinted through the NYS Department of Education prior to start of employment.
Preferred Qualifications: Prior experience preferred.
Rate of Pay: $42,426 - $54,014
How to Apply: Apply online by April 4, 2025. All applications are received online through RecruitFront employment portal. Instructions on how to create an account and apply are available at https://amherstschools.recruitfront.com.
Contact: Amherst CSD HR Department, 716-362-3015
Website: https://amherstschools.recruitfront.com/JobPosting?JID=62503