Assistant Professor Nadine Murshid awarded grant from UB's Gender Institute

Published June 16, 2015 This content is archived.

Nadine Murshid

Nadine Murshid.

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Nadine Murshid who was awarded a $3,000.00 grant from the UB Gender Institute titled: "Social and Relational Context of Microfinance Participation in Bangladesh."

Brief description:

Murshid will conduct a mixed-methods comparison study of a randomly selected sample of microfinance participants and their husbands and non-participants of microfinance and their husbands to assess the differences between the two groups in terms of their personal (intimate and relational) and social networks, empowerment, and sexual history. As part of this project she will test an empowerment scale, elicit responses about sexual behaviors using a Life History Calendar, and administer a range of scales, including depression, marital violence, and social support. Respondents of the study will be recruited from a high poverty “slum” in Dhaka, Bangladesh where a census will first be conducted to document participants and non-participants of microfinance, from which the study participants will be selected. The findings of the study will be well positioned to inform programmatic and policy change and assess the usability of microfinance as a vehicle for service delivery of interventions for social problems like marital violence.