Checklists and Measures

Flowers and candle.

The following assessments are intended to help you examine your current well-being and some factors that may contribute to how you experience stressful circumstances. Read over the assessment descriptions to find the topics that may pertain to you.

If you complete an assessment, we recommend that you keep a record of it (which you should date). For assessments that may change over time and with new circumstances, repeat them every few months (2 to 4 months). By keeping completed copies of these measures, you will be able to evaluate your progress over time.

These resources are not intended to replace a clinical assessment. If you believe you are overly stressed or burned out, or that you are suffering from retraumatization, secondary traumatic stress, or difficult feelings of anxiety or depression, you should consider seeking a professional consultation.


Taking care of yourself is an important social work and life skill. We encourage you to start with Developing Your Self-Care Plan for specific self-care assessments. These tools can be used to examine the ways in which you are practicing self-care and the attention you are paying to each of the domains of your life.  

The assessments below are to assist you in understanding various aspects of your well-being. They may also be useful in your work with clients.