The accessibility considerations listed below are beneficial to all students, especially those with accessibility needs. Please consider implementing as many of these tips as possible.
Whenever possible, select readings, articles, textbooks and other materials that are already in an accessible format.
When choosing videos or content on external websites, consider whether they have closed captions, transcripts and other accessibility features.
Students benefit when faculty make required reading lists available two weeks before the semester.
- If students have accessibility needs, it may take several weeks for them to get accessible versions so waiting longer may cause those students to fall behind
- Students may need to order books or articles for the first week of class and they may not arrive in time causing the students to fall behind early
- It is a best practice – it allows students to better plan for the work you want them to do during the semester
Students benefit when faculty distribute their syllabus at least one week prior to the first day of classes.
- Allows students with accessibility needs to engage faculty earlier about their accommodation needs
- Allows students with accessibility needs to better identify and arrange the accessibility supports they will need
- Allows students that work, have child care needs, or hidden disabilities more time to plan accordingly
- Allows all students to plan their semester and weekly activities
- Students can review syllabi in advance freeing up class time
- It helps reduce student anxiety or stress heading into the semester
- Open up your UB Learns course at least one week before class starts
- Email your students the syllabus through HUB (pdf)