Full-Time Faculty

  • Keith A. Alford


    Research Interests: culturally specific service delivery for special populations; the exploration of helping approaches in family mental health; rites of passage programming for adolescent African American males; kinship care and child welfare interventions

    680 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1266; Fax: 716-645-3883

    Email: sw-dean@buffalo.edu

  • D. Michael Applegarth

    Assistant Professor

    Research Interests: criminal legal system; mental illness and recovery; community supervision; juvenile justice; desistance from crime

    623 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1228; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: dapplega@buffalo.edu

  • Amanda Aykanian

    Assistant Professor

    Research Interests: homeless service systems and workforce issues; homelessness continuums of care and coordinated entry; program evaluation; program and policy implementation; social work education

    625 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1270; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: aykanian@buffalo.edu

  • Enoch Azasu

    Assistant Professor

    Research Interests: psychiatric epidemiology and mental health, particularly understanding and addressing suicidality; developing and implementing evidence-based interventions to improve mental well-being and suicide prevention, reduce stigma and support at-risk populations

    665 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-3322; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: eazasu@buffalo.edu

  • Louanne Bakk

    DSW Program Director; Clinical Associate Professor

    Research Interests: gerontology; health access; health disparities; macro practice; program evaluation; social welfare policy

    653 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1861; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: louanneb@buffalo.edu

  • Annahita Ball

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: social work services in schools; youth development; school-family-community partnerships; educational policy

    652 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-8951; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: annahita@buffalo.edu

  • Elizabeth Bowen

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: homelessness; health disparities; addiction recovery; policy analysis

    577 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1258; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: eabowen@buffalo.edu

  • Clara M. Bradizza


    Research Interests: addictions; substance use; interventions

    1021 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14203

    Phone: (716) 887-3353

    Email: bradizza@buffalo.edu

  • Lisa Butler

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: trauma and resilience; trauma-informed practice; veterans and their families; dissociative processes

    592 Baldy Hall, 229 Parker Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1247; Fax: 716-645-3456, 716-829-3938

    Email: ldbutler@buffalo.edu

  • Filomena M. Critelli

    Associate Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies; Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Research Interests: gender-based violence in domestic and global contexts; global migration; human rights of women, children and migrants; intersection of trauma and human rights; global social work and social welfare

    681 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1250; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: fmc8@buffalo.edu

  • Catherine N. Dulmus

    Professor; Associate Dean for Research

    Research Interests: behavioral health; serious mental illness across the life span; community-based research; community-university research partnerships

    591 Baldy Hall, 221 Parker Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1253; Fax: 716-645-3456, 716-829-3992

    Email: cdulmus@buffalo.edu

  • Susan A. Green

    Clinical Professor

    Research Interests: child welfare; children and families; community

    664 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1249; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: sagreen@buffalo.edu

  • Annette Semanchin Jones

    PhD Program Director; Associate Professor

    Research Interests: child welfare; permanency and well-being; youth connections to supportive adults; strengthening families; racial equity; child welfare policy

    225 Parker Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1862; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: amsemanc@buffalo.edu

  • Robert H. Keefe

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: health access and outcomes; health disparities

    632 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1230; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: rhkeefe@buffalo.edu

  • Isok Kim

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: ethnic minorities; mental health; psychological empowerment; substance abuse

    633 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1252; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: isokkim@buffalo.edu

  • Jangmin Kim

    Assistant Professor

    Research Interests: macro practice; organizational administration and management; child welfare workforce development; cross-system collaboration; family-centered practice; children, youth and families

    656 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1231; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: jangmink@buffalo.edu

  • Wooksoo Kim


    Research Interests: immigrants and refugees; adjustment and integration; community-based research

    621 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1227; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: wkim5@buffalo.edu

  • Denise J. Krause

    Clinical Professor; Associate Dean for Community Engagement and Alumni Relations

    Research Interests: interventions; solution focused practice

    620 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1223; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: dkrause@buffalo.edu

  • JoAnn S. Lee

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: transitions to adulthood; juvenile justice; child welfare; youth aging out of foster care; agent-based modeling

    653 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1244; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: joannlar@buffalo.edu

  • Laura A. Lewis

    Clinical Associate Professor; Assistant Dean for Global Partnerships

    627 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1232; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: lalewis@buffalo.edu

  • Patricia Logan-Greene

    Associate Professor; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

    Research Interests: violence and victimization, including child maltreatment and firearm violence; violence prevention; system responses to violence; quantitative analysis

    630 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1533; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: pblogang@buffalo.edu

  • Michael Lynch

    Clinical Associate Professor, Field Education

    Research Interests: Field education; technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in social work practice and learning; community organizing and development; social innovation; social work services in schools

    637 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1236; Fax: 716-645-3157

    Email: mrlynch2@buffalo.edu

  • Kathryn McClain-Meeder

    Clinical Associate Professor; MSW Program Director

    Research Interests: field education; trauma; trauma-informed practice; refugees and immigrants; veterans

    655 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1260; Fax: 716-645-3157

    Email: mcclainm@buffalo.edu

  • Brenda McQuillan

    Clinical Associate Professor

    Research Interests: the impact of trauma on youth development and familial relationships; evidence-based interventions to treat symptoms of trauma

    631A Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-6171; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: bemcquil@buffalo.edu

  • Nadine Shaanta Murshid

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: microfinance; domestic violence; genocide; political violence; trauma; social movements

    624 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-5749; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: nadinemu@buffalo.edu

  • Tonya Myles-Day

    Clinical Assistant Professor; Faculty Support Liaison for Racially Underrepresented Students

    Research Interests: mental health in the LGBTQIA+ community; anti-racist practices in higher education; racial trauma; substance abuse; generational poverty and trauma of the Black family; decolonizing the social work profession

    646 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1275; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: tonyamyl@buffalo.edu

  • Yunju Nam

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: asset-building; economic inequality; elderly immigrants; poverty; social welfare policy

    658 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1255; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: yunjunam@buffalo.edu

  • Kelly Patterson

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: community-based housing organizations; fair housing advocacy; housing patterns and poverty; spatial issues; social service access/delivery; subsidized housing; urban neighborhoods

    663 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1248; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: klp27@buffalo.edu

  • Alexander Rubin

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Field Education

    Research Interests: field education; acceptance and commitment therapy; health care access; self-care for the professional; professional resilience; immigrant and refugee rights

    647 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1225; Fax: 716-645-3157

    Email: ajrubin@buffalo.edu

  • Todd Sage

    Clinical Associate Professor

    Research Interests: use of motivational interviewing in child welfare; drug and alcohol addiction; motivational interviewing and trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy; social work with veterans; instructional design for distance education

    626 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1264; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: toddsage@buffalo.edu

  • Nancy J. Smyth

    Professor; Associate Dean for Faculty Development

    Research Interests: social work in digital environments; technology for social good; social innovation; and leadership

    657 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1243; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: njsmyth@buffalo.edu

  • Peter Sobota

    Clinical Assistant Professor

    Research Interests: interventions; social work; non-traditional settings

    666 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-1251; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: psobota@buffalo.edu

  • Mickey Sperlich

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: trauma; mental health; sexual and reproductive health; interventions; child mental health; health disparities

    619 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-9087; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: msperlic@buffalo.edu

  • Christopher St. Vil

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: gender; trauma; violence; victimization; substance abuse

    622 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-9091; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: cstvil@buffalo.edu

  • Noelle M. St. Vil

    Associate Professor

    Research Interests: interpersonal violence; black male-female relationships; man-sharing

    631 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-9093; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: noellest@buffalo.edu

  • Katie C. Stalker

    Associate Professor; Director of Field Education

    Research Interests: youth violence prevention; community-based participatory research; community-centered violence prevention; community partnership; field education

    634 Baldy Hall

    Phone: 716-645-6444; Fax: 716-645-3456

    Email: kstalker@buffalo.edu

  • Paul R. Stasiewicz

    Professor; Janet B. Wattles Endowed Chair

    Research Interests: addictions; interventions; treatment

    1021 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14203

    Phone: (716) 887-3353

    Email: stasiewi@buffalo.edu