The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has awarded Chris St. Vil, an assistant professor in the UB School of Social Work, a grant to conduct a literature review on recurrent violent injury.
Faculty members from the UB’s School of Social Work will join colleagues from 10 SUNY campuses in various disciplines and five not-for-profit organizations to work on an innovative project to create a sustainable village and learning community in the town of Arcahaie, Haiti.
UB Social Impact Fellows from management and social work spent the summer creating solutions to address systemic social issues at mission-driven organizations around the region.
A small group of UB undergraduates committed to discovering and developing new avenues of social change will travel to Tanzania on July 15 as part of an intensive, experiential, social innovation and marketing course.
Clinicians, social workers and medical professionals should be aware of how cultural factors influence whether individuals choose to receive preventative health care measures, according to new UB research.
Abortion fund recipients who have to travel out of state for an abortion travel roughly 10 times farther for their procedures than patients able to get care in their homes states.
Ask Elizabeth Bowen about the intersection of homelessness and HIV/AIDS in the United States and she’ll respond without hesitation, “Housing equals health.”
Power imbalances in heterosexual relationships are common, but having less power takes a greater toll on young women than young men, according to a recently published UB study.
African-American women in abusive relationships use a variety of strategies pulled from three general categories to survive intimate partner violence , according to a new UB study.