Latest News

  • UB Social Work Students Receive Awards at Commencement
    Fourteen students attending the University at Buffalo School of Social Work received awards during the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • International Conference on Clinical Supervision
    Mental-health professionals representing a variety of fields will gather in Buffalo on June 1-3 for the Second International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision, an interdisciplinary conference devoted to clinical-supervision theory, practice and research.
  • Client Violence Focus of Workshop for Social Workers
    The risk of violence is a reality for most social workers in practice today, says a nationally regarded social work educator who will present a workshop sponsored by the University at Buffalo School of Social Work titled "Risk Assessment, Violent Clients and Practitioner Safety" on May 12 in the Holiday Inn Amherst.
  • Feminist Mentors Rely on "Moralistic" Standards Regarding Sex
    Despite their feminist leanings, social workers and their female college assistants wound up falling back on "moralistic, age-based standards of appropriate sexual interest and behavior" when it came to mentoring a group of middle-school girls, according to research co-authored by an assistant professor in the University at Buffalo School of Social Work.
  • UB School of Social Work to Hold 2006 Alumni Day
    The University at Buffalo School of Social Work will hold its fifth annual Alumni Day from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. April 20 in the Buffalo/Niagara Marriott, 1340 Millersport Hwy., Amherst.
  • Program Set on Child, Adolescent Trauma Treatment
    The Office of Continuing Education in the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo will sponsor a hands-on, clinical-skills training program titled "Child and Adolescent Trauma Treatment: The Fairy Tale Model" from 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 10 in the Holiday Inn Amherst, 1881 Niagara Falls Blvd.
  • New Approaches to Relapsing Addictive Behavior
    Two research teams at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions recently explored the scientific literature focusing on relapse to addictive behavior. The first team reviewed studies of relapse to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and the second team, the differences between men and women who relapse to alcohol and drug abuse.
  • Program Leads to Certification in Trauma Treatment
    The University at Buffalo School of Social Work Office in collaboration with the Child Trauma Institute will offer a year-long certification program for mental-health professionals who work with children and adolescents who have been exposed to significant trauma or loss.
  • Project Looks at History of Social Work at UB
    Over the past year, in preparation for its 75th anniversary, the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalohas been taking a look at its past, from its unexpected start, through the Great Depression and World War II, to the unrest of the 1970s and the present day. Toward that end, it has kicked off the School of Social Work History Project, an effort to document the school's history of educating social work professionals and its impact on countless lives.
  • Improving Alcoholism Treatment in the "Real World"
    Early in 2006, researchers at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) will be going into the field with a study designed to translate alcoholism research findings into the "real world" of community-based substance abuse treatment clinics.
  • Institute Helps Nonprofits Cope in Tough Times
    With local budget woes cutting, and in some cases eliminating, funding to local public and nonprofit agencies, a program offered by the School of Social Work is providing training to help strengthen the planning and management skills of their staffs.
  • Social Work Appoints 3 as Associate Deans
    Three faculty members in the University at Buffalo School of Social Work have been appointed associate deans.

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Engaging practitioners and researchers in lifelong learning and promoting research to practice and practice to research.