Latest News

  • School of Social Work Has Key Role in Effort to Turn Around One of City's Most Distressed Neighborhoods
    The University at Buffalo School of Social Work is taking a pivotal role in a collaborative, community-based program aimed at reducing youth violence in one of the most distressed neighborhoods in Buffalo.
  • UB Study to Examine Buffalo Teens' Attitudes Toward Reproductive Health Care
    Researchers from the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo are conducting a study to learn what is preventing teen-age girls in Buffalo -- which has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in New York State and one of the highest in the nation -- from taking advantage of area reproductive health services.
  • $700,000 HUD-Funded Initiative Takes Aim at One of Buffalo's Most Distressed Neighborhoods
    One of Buffalo's most distressed and physically degraded inner city neighborhoods is the target of a new "healthy homes" demonstration project to be administered and operated by the University at Buffalo.
  • UB School of Social Work Posts Online Suggestions for Coping with Traumatizing Effects of Terrorist Attacks
    The School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo has developed a Web site that offers online information and resources for those who are having personal difficulty coping with the Sept. 11 terrorist attack and its aftermath.
  • Bearing "Media Witness" to Terrorist Attacks, Destruction Can Lead to Acute Stress Disorder
    The image of an airplane flying into the second tower of the World Trade Center and exploding in flames, played over and over on television following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, will remain in America's collective consciousness for a long time. For all, that image forever will represent a national tragedy. But for some, there will be a more profound personal effect, according to a University at Buffalo expert in psychological trauma.
  • Former Social Work Director at Oklahoma City Hospital Says Rescue Workers Are Among Disasters' "Victims"
    Deborah Waldrop, Ph.D., University at Buffalo assistant professor of social work, was social work director at Oklahoma City's St. Anthony Hospital on April 19, 1995, when a truck bomb exploded in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Located roughly five blocks from the disaster, St. Anthony was on the front line of rescue efforts and Waldrop learned first-hand the devastating impact such a tragedy has on rescue workers responding to disasters.
  • Alcohol Consumption and Marriage: A Good Mix?
    Alcohol's impact on marriage -- for better or for worse -- is the focus of a study being conducted by a research scientist at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) under a new $1.5 million grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
  • UB Center for Students Suspended for Violence Having Impact on Participants' Attitudes, Self-Esteem
    Since it opened last Nov. 15, the V.I.S.A. Center has provided roughly 200 students who have been suspended from the Buffalo Public Schools for acts of violence a safe, weapon-free environment where they can feel comfortable expressing themselves. And even the toughest-acting students seem to be finding something they need there.
  • Schools of Social Work, Management Receive Oishei Foundation Grant to Bolster Skills of Non-Profit Agencies
    The University at Buffalo is bolstering its ties with the community with the formation of an institute that will strengthen the planning and management skills of local not-for-profit agencies. Funded by a $190,000 grant from The John R. Oishei Foundation, the UB Institute for Non-Profit Agencies will work with the management of local health and human-service agencies to train and certify executives, managers and staff in program planning, development, management, supervision and evaluation.

  • International Financier, UB Alumnus Brun Pledges $1 Million to UB School of Social Work
    An international investment advisor who used his University at Buffalo degree in social work to build a $32 billion business, Leslie A. Brun is pledging $1 million to the UB School of Social Work.
  • UB School of Social Work to Open V.I.S.A. Center for Students Suspended from School for Violence
    The University at Buffalo School of Social Work has announced the opening of a new center aimed at meeting the educational, emotional and behavioral needs of students who have been suspended from school for disruptive behavior and acts of violence.
  • UB School of Social Work Receives $2.9 Million NIAAA Grant to Help Families Break Cycle of Substance Abuse
    Researchers at the University at Buffalo have received a five-year, $2.9 million grant to conduct an international project aimed at helping children of alcohol-dependent parents avoid becoming substance abusers themselves.

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Engaging practitioners and researchers in lifelong learning and promoting research to practice and practice to research.