Published February 13, 2015 This content is archived.
Congratulations to Associate Professor Lisa Butler, PhD student and MSW alumni Brad Linn, UB School of Nursing Associate Professor Mary Ann Meeker, staff member and alumni Katie McClain-Meeder and Research Professor Tom Nochajski on the publication of their article, “We Don't Complain About Little Things”: Views of Veterans and Military Family Members on Healthcare Gaps and Needs in Military Behavioral Health.
This qualitative investigation examined the views of veterans and military family members on the needs and gaps they perceive in health and mental health care provision. Four focus groups (N=33) were conducted (two with male veterans, one with female veterans, and one with military family members). Ten themes emerged regarding highly valued and unsatisfactory aspects of care received from providers and healthcare systems; 4 topic areas for training providers were also identified. Findings suggest that it is critical that healthcare providers and systems master the military/veteran cultural competence necessary to work effectively with veterans and military family members.