Professor Hilary Weaver publishes article "All My Relations: Understanding the Experiences of Native Americans with Disabilities"

Published September 18, 2015 This content is archived.

Hilary Weaver

Hilary Weaver.

Congratulations to Professor Hilary Weaver on the publication of her article "All My Relations: Understanding the Experiences of Native Americans with Disabilities," in the Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation, which she also edited.


All My Relations is an English translation of Mitakuye Oyasin, a common Lakota phrase used to close many statements and prayers. It can also stand alone as an acknowledgement of thanks, balance, and interrelationship. It communicates a recognition of the sacredness of all beings. For this special journal issue, I use this phrase to convey that Native people with disabilities are not somehow separate from who we are as Native people, but very much one of us, one of our relations.