Assistant Professor Nadine Murshid and co-author publish "Intergenerational transmission of marital violence"

Published November 23, 2015 This content is archived.

Nadine Murshid

Nadine Murshid.

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Nadine Murshid and co-author on the publication of their article "Intergenerational transmission of marital violence: Results from a nationally representative sample of men," in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence

Murshid, N.S. & Murshid, N. (2015). Intergenerational transmission of marital violence: Results from a nationally representative sample of men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.


The present study assesses the association between childhood exposure to parental violence and perpetration of marital violence as adults among a representative sample of 3,396 men in Bangladesh. We used secondary analysis of survey data from the nationally representative Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2007 to examine factors associated with perpetration of martial violence among 3,396 ever-married men between the ages of 16 and 50 years. Outcome measure, marital violence perpetration, was measured using a modified Conflict Tactics Scale, and predictor variables included childhood exposure to parental violence, justification of marital violence, marital duration, religion, and demographic variables. Results indicate that marital violence perpetration is significantly associated with childhood exposure to marital violence, suggesting a cycle of violence that is maintained across generations. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.