Associate Professor Gretchen Ely and co-authors publish article, "Sexual health behaviors and outcomes among current and former foster youth"

Published April 26, 2016 This content is archived.

Gretchen Ely

Gretchen Ely.

Congratulations to Associate Professor Gretchen Ely and co-authors on the publication of their article, Sexual health behaviors and outcomes among current and former foster youth, in Child and Youth Services Review.

Ramseyer Winter, V., Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Ely, G. E. (2016). Sexual health behaviors and outcomes among current and former foster youth: A review of the literature. Children and Youth Services Review, 64, 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.02.023


This review examines literature related to pregnancy, sexual health outcomes, and sexual risk behaviors for foster youth and youth who are aging/have aged out of foster care. Using the search terms foster youth, aging out, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted infections, sexual risk, sexual behavior, and sexual health, 26,376 sources were initially identified. After removing duplicate sources and those that did not meet inclusion criteria and adding others identified through the references of identified sources, 56 sources were included in the review. Outcome measures were grouped into broad categories of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and risky sexual behaviors, with each having several subparts. Implications for social work practice and policy are presented and directions for future research are highlighted.