We look forward to partnering with you. Field Practicum is an important part of our MSW student curriculum and we would not be able to graduate students without community engagement.
The Affiliation Agreement is a legal document that formalizes the partnership between an agency and the State University at Buffalo School of Social Work. In order for MSW Student Interns to complete their Field Practicum at an agency an Affiliation Agreements needs to be executed.
Thank you for taking the time to process this needed documentation. Please read, sign and return the required Affiliation Agreement to us.
The Agency Profile provides detailed information about an agency helps students to understand what the placement experience would be like at your agency.
The Field Educator Profile provides contact and licensure information for our database. A Field Educator profile needs to be completed by the MSW supervisor. If there is a Task Supervisor model, the Task Supervisor should also complete the form.
Field Educators are eligible for SUNY Tuition Waiver and Continuing Education Certificates (discounts).