Field Educator Orientation Resources

These training resources are designed to help professionals orient to their role as field educator. Whether you are new to the role or need a refresher, our training program allows field educators to individualize content to meet their needs.  

Welcome to Field Education

Welcome to Field Education at the UB School of Social Work. We are grateful for your partnership and hope the resources below will equip and enable you to feel supported in your commitment to be a field educator. Please reach out to us anytime with questions:

Overview of the Modules

Each module provides essential information for field educators on the particular topic. All modules are short (between 2 and 20 minutes) and include additional resources underneath the video. A copy of the powerpoint slides are also available under each module.

On this page:

1. Welcome to Field Education at the UBSSW

This module (5 mins) provides an overview of field education, the field educator orientation and introduces you to the Field team at the UB School of Social Work.

2. Structure of Field & Roles and Responsibilities

This module (10 mins) covers the structure of field (when field takes place, the hour requirements for students, field calendar) and roles and responsibilities (of field educator, task supervisor, faculty liaison and student). 

Please note the reference to Taskstream is outdated. Our current system for housing the learning contract and timesheets is called SONIA.

Navigate to the field calendar and manuals.

3. Orienting a Student to Field

In this module (6 mins), field educators will learn about the importance of providing MSW students with a comprehensive orientation at the start of placement. The module will also review best practices and where to find orientation-related resources

4. Developing a Learning Contract

This first module (7 mins) reviews the basics of a learning contract: What it is, how it is developed and how it is critically important in guiding the field placement. The second video (3 mins) explains UBSSW resources for developing a learning contract and where the learning contract "lives" in our online field software, SONIA. 

5. Supervision and Giving Feedback

This module (19 mins) will cover the significance of supervision in the field education experience. Field educators and students will gain insight into developing a positive working relationship, understand the importance of regularly scheduled supervision, as well as the importance of providing honest, ongoing feedback. 

6. Addressing Challenges in Field

This module will assist supervisors with strategies for handling problems that could arise with students in field. Supervisors will understand the importance of problem solving and contacting the Faculty Liaison for support.

7. Evaluation

This module (10 mins) provides an overview of why and how we evaluate students. A demonstration of completing an evaluation in SONIA is included.

Additional Resources

Dynamic and Effective Practices in Social Work Field Education [1:26:44 hours]

trainer training