Academic Continuity Support – Resources and Recommendations for Teaching at a Distance

In this section you will find a variety of resources provided by the University and the School of Social Work (SSW), along with specific recommendations to help support the continuity of distance academic instruction.

SSW faculty are encouraged to utilize these resources whether preparing for a full online course, or responding to an interruption in seated course delivery, such as COVID-19, inclement weather, etc.

Academic Continuity refers to the continuation of academic instruction at the University at Buffalo through synchronous and asynchronous eLearning (online modalities) in the event classroom instruction is interrupted for an extended period of time.

The resources below are available to support School of Social Work faculty in teaching from a distance.

On this page:

Where to Start - Faculty Moving a Seated Class to Distance Delivery

Take inventory of your course, ask yourself...

  • How much of your current course plan/syllabi can be delivered with no changes?
  • If you delivered the course previously, what updates would you like to make moving forward? 
  • What are the critical assignments students must complete?
  • Are there projects/assignments that would have been done in a live classroom that now need to be online?
  • How can students be more active and engaged participants in their learning?
  • What balance do you want to create between in class and out of class work?
  • Do you want to hold live interactive classroom lectures through Zoom?
  • Are there (synchronous) activities that students need to work on during class time? 
  • Are there (asynchronous) activities students can do outside of the classroom independently? 

Prioritize the most important things you need to do and need to consider

  • Recording or revising lectures for the new format
  • Changes or revisions to assignments, assessment or activities
  • Revising due dates
  • Revising course policies and student expectations

Do you have questions or need help prioritizing or planning?

If you need help revising assignments or ideas for different assignments please contact our Instructional Designer, Steve Sturman, he will be happy to help brainstorm with you and figure out the best ways to accomplish your assignments in an online environment.

General Considerations

  • Use UBLearns or Blackboard as your central means of communication and course delivery, see the online template linked below for:
  • Start with technologies you are comfortable with and then slowly add other technologies that will meet your teaching objectives. Blackboard and Zoom are the best places to start.
  • Make sure to post and hold office hours. Zoom is a great platform for this.
  • If you are moving a previously scheduled seated course to a distance format, make sure to keep your live (synchronous) video lectures and activities to the same scheduled block time as the seated class. 
  • Pre-recorded lectures (and other asynchronous content) can be linked through your UBLearns class site.

School Specific Resources

University Resources