Halimah McBryde, MSW ’23
Haneul Park, MSW ’20
Jessica Mencia, MSW ’21, PhD Student
Mel LeMay, MSW ’20
Kathy Lisborg, DSW ’22, MSW ’14
Our students and alumni find UB to be a rewarding and exciting place to learn, research and collaborate with one another and our world-class faculty.
Chanell McCain, MSW ’15
Alexandria Meranto, MSW ’19
Felecia Badio Merriam, MSW ’16
Marna Metcalf, MBA/MSW ’16
Faustina Palmatier, MSW ’19
Melissa Pietrkiewicz, MSW ’12
Thomas Power, MSW ’17 (Online cohort)
Victoria Rader, MSW ’17
Sarah Richards-Desai, PhD ’24, MSW ’16
Shatorah Roberson, JD ’12, MSW ’11
Barbara Robertson, MSW ’13
Julie Rockmaker, MSW ’07
Destiny Rust, MSW ’24
Matthew Schwartz, DSW ’23, MSW ’18
Nurit Fischer Shemer, PhD ’19, MSW ’13
Marilyn Z. Shine, MSW ’74, BS ’72 Marilyn Z. and Jerome D. Shine Endowment Fund
Julia Szprygada, MSW ’13
Tara Taddio, MSW ’08