Minor in Community Organizing and Development

Students presenting posters about Buffalo communities.

Become a community change agent. Build economically and socially just communities and work in unity with others to find solutions that empower citizens.

Through this program, you will learn about innovative means of alleviating and rectifying social problems and injustices, and develop essential skills you can transfer to many professional settings. 

With expertise in organizing and developing communities, you will be prepared to collaborate with diverse partners to enhance capacity and well-being, frame social problems, co-produce solutions, navigate systems and effect sustainable change.

Ready to make change in society?

With a minor in community organizing and development, you will be well-positioned to work with others on community and neighborhood capacity-building efforts. Careers range from lead organizer and community outreach worker, to health care policy advocate, canvasser and labor organizer, as well as work in community-based nonprofits.

Explore the minor:

Student Testimonial

Emma Gunner.

"I enrolled in Community Organization and Development as my minor because students learn valuable skills to develop interactive projects around issues they are passionate about in their communities." — Emma Gunner

Program Overview

  • Open to: Undergraduate students from any major
  • Course delivery: Seated
  • Total credits: 18
  • Required cumulative GPA: 2.0


Social Work courses are also open to students outside of the minor.

Elective Courses (12 credits, must include four 300- or 400-level courses)

Application Requirements

To apply, you must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. There are no prerequisite course requirements to enroll in the minor. We encourage you to have a declared major, so your minor coursework can be more effectively focused.


Filomena Critelli.

Filomena Critelli, PhD
Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Email: fmc8@buffalo.edu
Phone: 716-645-1250