Students who work in human services may submit an employment-based field application.
Field education is the signature pedagogy of social work education, where students develop their professional identity and integrate the skills and concepts learned throughout their coursework. The current best practice for field education requires students to engage in learning activities that are qualitatively different from prior volunteer or employment experiences and allow for the attainment of Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) competencies. Activities should be supervised by someone with at least a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree.
The Council on Social Work Education has long permitted employment-based field placements where job duties are distinctly different from a student’s designated field activities, and the work supervisor is different than the field educator. These rules were designed to protect the role of students as learners while engaged in field, with expectations different from those related to employment. New guidelines (issued in June 2020) allow students to request to count their work for some or all of their field hours, up to 15 hours per week.
When a student opts to pursue an employment-based field placement, it is the student’s responsibility to manage the process. This includes completing the application, making sure the necessary parties agree and gathering signatures. An employment-based field placement requires more responsibility on the part of the student. Generally, students who are not successful at a traditional agency field placement are not approved for employment-based field placements. If a student no longer wishes to pursue an employment-based field placement, they should contact their placement coordinator immediately.
The following criteria must be met for the student to be approved for an employment-based field placement. Note: Many agencies have different policies regarding employment-based field placements. Before pursuing an employment-based field placement, students should consult with their employer about employment-field placement policies and procedures.
- Students must be in good standing, and not involved in a review process. Students who have been terminated from a field placement may not be approved for an employment-based field placement. The field placement must allow the student to participate in activities directly linked to the nine social work competencies (below). This may or may not be in the same setting as the student’s current work. The current best practice is for students to have separate and unique work and field responsibilities. If this is not possible, and regular work duties are requested to count as field, the student must also propose supplemental learning opportunities beyond work duties. If students use any of their regular work hours to count as field, they must complete a Capstone Project (description below). If their work and field duties/hours are separate, they do not need to complete a Capstone project.
- The student must have been employed by the fieldwork site for a minimum of 60 days before submitting an employment-based field placement proposal.
- The student may only count 15 hours per week for field hours. If, for unforeseen circumstances, a student has fallen behind on field hours, they may submit a request to count more than 15 hours per week. The student will be asked to convey how the additional hours enhance the student's learning, i.e., a student who is counting their job as field will not be permitted to count more than 15 hours per week unless they are able to describe new learning experiences beyond their regular work duties. The student should submit the request to their faculty liaison.
- A field educator is defined as an individual with a Master’s in Social Work (MSW) from a CSWE-accredited program. The field educator should be licensed with an LMSW or LCSW. Note: If the field placement is in an agency/program that is exempt according to current NYS law (an exempt agency is one that has an NYS operating certificate from any of the following agencies: OMH, OMRDD, OCFS or OASAS), then the field educator may not need to be licensed.
- The field educator must agree to provide a social work perspective to the student’s field education experience. The field educator must agree to allow the student the space and permission to be a learner. In other words, the student’s role as a student should be prioritized along with their learning and skill development.
- The agency must be willing to allow the student/employee to attend classes and have an educationally focused field placement experience.
- The agency must be willing to allow the field educator to attend field education training and to have sufficient time to provide the minimum of at least one hour/week of supervision for the student. Supervision must focus on learning, skill development and competency development.
- The agency must be able to provide a generalist placement experience if the student/employee is applying for the first/foundation placement. If the agency provides a second/advanced year placement, it is necessary to provide a placement experience that allows the student to participate in advanced-level graduate social work activities.
- The Employment-Based Application must be received by the deadline specified online. Once the application is returned to the Field Education Department, it will be reviewed, and a response will be given as soon as possible to indicate whether the placement has been approved. A site visit may be required as part of the application review process prior to determining approval.
View an information session on employment-based field placements and the presentation slides.
To apply for an employment-based field placement, complete the following steps in our online software Sonia:
- On your Field Placement Acknowledgement form, indicate that you are pursuing an employment-based field placement
- Navigate to the form titled, "Employment-Based Field Placement Application"
- Follow the directions on the form and complete all necessary fields
- After the application is completed, follow the directions on the form to seek signatures from your
- Work supervisor
- Field Educator
- Agency or Program Director
After all of those steps are completed, the field department will review your application and provide approval or feedback within approximately two weeks.
See below for two samples of completed employment-based applications:
Students who are requesting to count their regular work duties as field will be expected to create a learning contract that contains at least one project that spans two semesters, that relates to the majority of the nine competencies, reflects attainment of social work values and ethics, and demonstrates substantial professional growth and development. For example, topic areas could include racial equity, anti-racism within social work practice, response to the COVID-19 pandemic or trauma-informed practices within the agency. Examples are below.
The students will upload an update on their project at mid-placement and final placement; there is a space to do so on the learning contract. A reflection is acceptable. Students will also be required to write a reflection about how the project has allowed them to integrate course content with field. The student's field educator will evaluate and comment on their project at the mid- and final placement evaluations.