Clinical Assistant Professors Michael Lynch and Todd Sage, Assistant Professor Melanie Sage, and colleague publish article, "A heutagogical approach for the assessment of Internet Communication Technology (ICT) assignments in higher education"

Published November 12, 2021


Michael Lynch

Michael Lynch.

Todd Sage

Todd Sage.

Melanie Sage

Melanie Sage.

Congratulations to Clinical Assistant Professor Michael Lynch, Clinical Assistant Professor Todd Sage, Assistant Professor Melanie Sage, and their colleague on the publication of their article, "A heutagogical approach for the assessment of Internet Communication Technology (ICT) assignments in higher education" in the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education.

Lynch, M., Sage, T., Hitchcock, L.I., Sage, M. (2021). A heutagogical approach for the assessment of Internet Communication Technology (ICT) assignments in higher education. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 18, 55. 


Pedagogical foundations exist for incorporating technology in instruction; however, these foundations have not kept pace with technology's evolution. Through the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), students now can share content directed at external audiences, i.e., audiences other than the instructor. These audiences are referred to as authentic audiences as they are public-facing and exist outside of the classroom. The existing literature offers evidence of student satisfaction with assignments directed at appealing to external audiences, however, the literature provides no comprehensive pedagogical rationale for assignments directed at authentic audiences wherein the goals are self-determined. The authors discuss the theory of heutagogy, the study of self-determined learning, as an approach for assessing assignments that utilize ICTs and are directed at authentic audiences. Finally, the authors offer an approach for the assessment of these assignments, including a rubric.
