Transformational Leadership and Entrepreneurial Thinking for Nonprofits - Presentation Descriptions

Is There a Better Way? The Entrepreneurial Nonprofit

9:30 to 10:30 a.m. – Thomas Ulbrich


We are living in a world where change is happening at an ever increasing pace. The nonprofit world isn’t exempt from the consequences of consolidation, budget pressures, decreased grant funding and increased competition for limited dollars. Entrepreneurial nonprofits look outward to see what people need, discover new ways of doing things and cut a path through the forest of uncertainty to create a clear vision for the future. They don’t accept the word ‘impossible’, and they don’t acknowledge failure. Isn’t this ability to deal with uncertainty, to explore creative options and to adapt to change just what your nonprofit organization needs for long-term success? Together we will consider ways for nonprofits to embrace entrepreneurial thinking as a possible solution to some of the change they are facing.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the challenges being faced by nonprofits;
  • Identify the basic traits that successful entrepreneurs and their organizations share;
  • Define the concept of social enterprising;
  • Recognize the importance of entrepreneurial thinking in a nonprofit;
  • Identify the many aspects of social entrepreneurship and analyze how it may apply to your organization.

Be Networked, Use Measurement and Learn: What Nonprofits Need to Know to Succeed in the Age of Connection

10:45 a.m. to noon – Beth Kanter


Networked nonprofits and the people who lead them are taking advantage of social media’s ability to facilitate and expand their impact by combining an organizational strategy with their professional online personas to connect, build relationships, and establish trust and thought leadership. This way of operating goes beyond simply using tools like Facebook or Twitter and requires a networked mindset where openness and authenticity are essential. This interactive keynote will explore how nonprofits can embrace the best practices of a networked nonprofit, avoiding some of the pitfalls and challenges.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the need to create an effective nonprofit networked mindset and strategy;
  • Identify the best practices of a networked nonprofit.

Becoming a Networked Nonprofit- An Essential Transformation

1:45 to 5 p.m. – Beth Kanter: Part 2 (continued from morning)


This foundation workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to apply the ideas shared during the morning keynote. Organizations have many questions about how to make the best use of social media to advance their work with limited time and resources. What does it take to become a networked nonprofit and implement effective social media practices? How do you begin the transformation? You will learn how to implement a successful organizational strategy on a limited budget.

Learning Objectives

  • Use a maturity of practice assessment tool to gauge your level of networked nonprofit practice and identify areas for improvement – and have a plan in place for that transformation;
  • Develop or refine a social media policy for your organization and change process that facilitates effective use by your organization;
  • Map your networks and develop a strategy that fits your capacity to implement.

Recommended Pre-Reading

Aligning Your Team, Organization and Stakeholders with Entrepreneurial Thinking and a One-Page Strategic Plan

1:45 to 5 p.m. – Thomas Ulbrich: Part 2 (continued from morning)


In this interactive workshop, you will learn the tools needed to build a powerful nonprofit organization focused on entrepreneurial thinking and how to develop a simple one-page strategic plan that is aligned around a shared vision for the future. The Gazelles Growth Method™, a proven discipline for excellence used by thousands of growing organizations to achieve results, will be presented. You will be exposed to: four decisions every successful organization makes around the areas of people, strategy, execution and funding; three disciplines that you need for success (priorities, data/metrics and meeting rhythms); two drivers needed in every organization (people and process); and the power of a catalyst.

Learning Objectives

  • Analyze your organization’s current planning process and identify gaps;
  • Identify the process needed to integrate entrepreneurial thinking into strategic planning;
  • Utilize a toolset to create a one-page strategic plan;
  • Utilize your strategic plan to get results that include: more people served and engaged, lower cost of delivery, more funding and more time.