Activities List Results

Student Type: Foundation Year

Objective: Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities

[TI-HR] = Trauma-Informed and Human Rights perspective

  1. Apply engagement skills learned in SW 503 and SW 520 class with client/target system. Field educator will evaluate via direct observation, process recording and/or audio or videotaping (identify which method will be used).
  2. Student will demonstrate micro engagement skills with at least 3 clients upon intake. Field Educator will directly observe student and provide feedback during supervision.
  3. Student will video record initial engagement meeting with client (with consent) and discuss in supervision with field educator.
  4. Student will discuss with field educator appropriate level of participation when attending community/ task force meetings. Field educator will observe student interaction and provide feedback.
  5. Evidences ability to interview persons of different ages with empathy, purpose and focus.
  6. Interview a community member to learn about the culture, economic, political and historical influences on the community. Field educator will identify appropriate community member(s) to interview.
  7. Visit and interview a provider at another community agency with whom the field agency/organization interfaces to learn about the interagency relationship.
  8. [TI-HR] Attend a community coalition/consortium meeting that is relevant to the services for the client population of the agency. Discuss in supervision possible advocacy issues related to client service.
  9. Student will discuss with field educator appropriate level of participation when attending agency staff meetings. Field educator will observe student interaction and provide feedback.
  10. Observe field educator engaging with a client. Discuss skills observed.
  11. This writer will effectively prepare for interaction with individuals by reviewing their behavior support plan, observe prior staff interactions with individuals and discuss techniques and interventions to reach client goals during supervision.
  12. Apply engagement skills with members of the field organization and/or the community. Field educator will evaluate based on observation or feedback from others.
  13. Process record or video/audio tape (identify which method will be used) at least 3 interactions with relevant client/target system(s). Student will critique their own communication skills. Discuss with field educator successes and concerns.
  14. Evidence the capacity to focus interviews and/or other direct communications and assist client in telling their story.
  15. Recognizes and interprets meaning of non-verbal communication appropriately.
  16. Participate on a monthly basis in meetings dealing with reorganizing and future planning of agency.
  17. Demonstrate a beginning ability to explore a range of client feelings.